Before your Session

This is where we get to know each other a bit. Once you have paid your deposit I will  have a questionnaire for you to fill out that will guide us though your  pre session consult. We can do this either in person or by phone which ever works best with your schedule. I prefer in person so we can meet face to face before the shoot. We will discuss what your expectations for the photos are, I will show you what I offer for displaying your images/ printing/framing and see what your particular tastes are.


During your Session

First things first, before the session begins I like to take care of the  business part  and have the balance paid in full. Then we can get to the fun stuff!

Expect to have fun! The more fun you have the better your pictures will come out. Whether you hate to be behind the camera or you love it your emotion will come through, so relax and plan on  having a great time.

Depending on which session you chose will depend on how long it is. Please bring water or snacks if you have a 2 hour session. I do not supply any transportation to locations. We will meet and we will follow if we have multiple locations to get to. 


After your Session

I will post a sneak peak for you after your session. It can be up to 2 weeks before your proofs are ready. I will contact you via email with an access code to view them online. You can view them through my website.  We will meet again to go through your shoot and choose which images you'd like to  purchase and place your print order. Depending on the products you choose it can take up to 2 weeks to receive your order.